
How can we contribute to your company’s sustainability commitments?

In a scenario with gradually scarce natural resources, it is no longer possible for a company to innovate without having Sustainability as a leverage for value. At Suzano, we see the implementation of sustainable development as something essential for society and also for the sustainability of our business. We understand that our process generates impacts along the entire chain and we seek to enhance, with the support of partners, those that are positive, as well as minimize the negative ones, mitigating the risks and generating new opportunities.

We believe in the integration of innovation and Sustainability to serve business competitiveness and to benefit society. One word can translate this concept: “Innovability”. Through traditional genetic improvement, we seek to increase the productivity and climate adaptation of eucalyptus trees, bringing more results and using fewer resources. Our industrial advances are aimed, for example, at reducing the volume of waste generated and the use of by-products and increments in order to increase the resistance and durability of products. We also work to develop new items and materials, from the forest base, that can replace those from fossil sources, thus contributing to reduce the impact of climate change and ensure long-term sustainability.

That is why Suzano invested 11 years of research in partnership with the consumer goods industry to develop Eucafluff, the first fluff produced from eucalyptus fiber. In addition to offering benefits such as greater comfort and discretion to the final consumer, this product has the potential to consolidate itself as a sustainable option for the industry of disposable hygienic products, such as napkins, diapers and pet rugs. Eucafluff is an innovation that was developed with the purpose of providing a more efficient and sustainable solution for the value chain.

The comparative analysis of the life cycle shows that the product has a positive result in several categories, such as greenhouse gas emissions, water and fossil fuel consumption. Furthermore, in terms of landuse, the reduced harvest cycle of our eucalyptus of approximately 7 years combined with the use of high productivity techniques, results in less land needed than those required by other species, like Pinus wood, for instance, that has cycles in North America of approximately 27 years. 

Still on the subject of land use, I must mention that Suzano maintains environmental preservation areas equivalent to about 39% of its more than 2 million hectares of forests. As a comparison, that’s an area larger than Cyprus and the state of Delaware.

And our contributions to generate a net positive environmental impact go even further. We are the first link in a long supply chain and we know that our customers are increasingly committed to taking responsibility for their impacts.  Our commitment is to build long-term partnerships with the main players in our value chain, seeking to integrate Sustainability and Innovation in order to generate social, environmental and economic impact. What are your company’s commitments and how can we contribute to them?

If you believe in the power of innovation allied to Sustainability, here is my invitation to you to join us in this endeavor. Talk to us by e-mail at eucafluff@suzano.com.br